Springfield Public Schools R-XII

Parents should always have a role in their children’s education – make your voice heard!

Springfield Public Schools R-XII District will hold an At-Large School Board election for two seats on April 4, 2023. Voters will choose between Landon McCarter, Shurita Thomas-Tate (Incumbent), Chad Rollins, and Judy Brunner. Voters may select two candidates on the ballot.
Click each candidate’s name to learn more about their priorities and positions.


McCarter wants to limit anything that takes attention away from reading, writing, math and the arts.


McCarter believes the school board should communicate and be transparent with parents.


McCarter opposed COVID restrictions in schools.


McCarter has criticized the district for siding with special interests over in-person education.


Visit Landon McCarter’s website and Facebook to learn more.

Landon McCarter is a father of three and owns a digital marketing company

Thomas-Tate expressed that anti-racism education “should happen early and frequently.”


Thomas-Tate called the district the “most selfish, misinformed” and stupid group of people in the United States.


Thomas-Tate advocated for the return of mandatory masking in schools.


Thomas-Tate was endorsed by the Springfield National Education Association.


Visit Shurita Thomas-Tate’s Facebook and Twitter to learn more

Shurita Thomas-Tate is an associate professor at Missouri State University.

Rollins says he wants core curriculum to focus on education.


Visit Chad Rollin’s Facebook to learn more.

Chad Rollins is father of seven and a pharmacist.

Brunner was endorsed by the Springfield National Education Association.

Brunner said the book “Opening Doors to Equity: A Practical Guide to Observation-Based Professional Learning” is a “must read.”

Brunner believes that the pandemic set back students’ academic achievement.

Visit Judy Brunner’s website and Facebook to learn more.

Judy Brunner is an author, a retired Springfield principal, and the co-founder of Edu-Safe.

Need to find your polling place? Visit the Missouri Elections Division website for more information.

To confirm you live within the Springfield Public Schools visit the schools’ boundary map.

Paid for by Free to Learn Action. This website is a project of Free to Learn Action. It is not affiliated with, associated with, or sponsored by the Springfield Public Schools. The official government website for the school board can be found here. | © Free to Learn Action 2023. All rights reserved